Saturday, 24 May 2014

This is fashion

Well how time flies,  I can not believe it has been so long since I last posted , I have  just checked and  the last time was September.
I knew i had been busy but hey 8 months ................ that is just ridiculous.

So what have i been doing that has taken so much of my time?. Well as you may or may not know I am now studying fashion at college. It is absolutly great and I love it.
I have always  enjoyed designing, but have never had the abillity or skills too bring my creations to life, so maybe, just maybe now is my time too shine...........

I have also always had an interest in Vintage clothing and antique and collectible's, from being small the enjoyment i get from finding a vintage pair of lacy gloves or a gorgeous fur coat, i swear is a better buzz than any excitement the high street gives me, don,t get me wrong I love that too and its about balance and mixing it all up new and old to make that outfit "YOUR" outfit.
so I decided to follow  my heart and I have set up  my own shop on Etsy 
This is fashion
I intend to get a lot more clothing items and i am still desperately trying to source some 50's prom dresses but i have a selection of handbags, shoes, coats dresses, jewellery etc, and i suppose its about growing a great collection not a rush job of tatt.............................................

I also have some Vintage Christian Dior , Louis Vuitton and other designer items available aswell as some cool 80,s costume jewellery.

The only problem i am facing at the minute, is not keeping all the stock too myself, obviously , me being the shopaholic that i am, im finding this quite a difficult task.

Alongside the vintage I also have my own handmade jewellery designs and also some antique and collectible items.

Il do some Vintage styling posts soon and show of some of the goodies i have my eye on.

At college at the moment Im planning a photo shoot of one of my  designs and am planning on doing it pin-up style so that should be fun and hopefully you guys maybe would ike to see the pin - up make up technique as a tutorial so watch this space ( I promise too not keep you waiting too long again lol)

I will start trying to blog again, I won't make promises I can't keep though , so won't be daily, but Il try and make it  weekly at least.

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