Friday, 30 August 2013
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
It was a bit of a rush job actually and I hav'nt done my hair and make-up for this post.

T.Shirt from Primark
Skirt From Manha Boutique
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Spots......What's really to blame.
So why? Well I am going to share with you some reasons I bet you have never thought of, but which are more than likely causing a good percentage of those stubborn pimples.
1. Mobile phones and Telephones.
yep, that's right. What do we do we transfer bacteria from our hands, handbags, pockets right on to our mobiles then slap it against our cheeks and proceed in talking to our best mates for half an hour. Meanwhile all this nasty bacteria is having a party on our face and in our pores.
Same goes for office work phones and even house phones (bet you forget to clean the receiver when you do your daily chores).
Another cause can be the metal on the outside of the phone itself. If you are allergic to nickel these often contain this metal which is a known skin allergen.
So what is the solution? Well it is simple really ..... Clean handsets frequently and if allergic to nickel use hand free sets.
Also be sure to remove make up before bed and use a anti- acne toner.
2.The Comfort Food Blues......
Eating foods that are starchy, sweet , or Fatty (my weekly diet is out then ha ha) on a frequent basis causes insulin levels to rise.
This causes oil production, inflammation and blockages in the pores and before you can know it your stuck with those red angry spots again.
Try to eat a varied diet of fruit and veg, lean proteins and grains and nuts.
Don't deny yourself but it is all about balance.
3. Your boyfriend is the culprit?
Ever snuggle up to your boyfriend in bed? Head laid on his chest all cosy and warm?
Sleeping with your face on his chest, arm or any other body part means you have his oils to contend with aswel as your own.
This mixed with the heat from his body means the oils get embedded deep into your pores and yep you guessed what happens next.
If you must sleep this way ( i know i do) be sure to use a wash in the morning containing salicylic acid.
If breakouts are persistent the doctor can actually prescribe Salicylic acid for you as a face wash.
Another thing you should do and am sure you know is always clean your make-up brushes and sponges weekly.
Just use a mild soap or face wash and leave to air dry
So I am sure there are hundreds of other culprits, what do you think? Comment let me no your spot busting solutions. Believe me you can see by the picture This sister is in need.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
How to tweeze eyebrows like a pro.
Barry M Limited Edition Nail Paint Review
This is my perfect shade of pink in the bottle so I thought id give it a whirl, even though i've previously been unimpressed with the Nail paints .
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Barbie dresses, My little pony jumper Clothes that match my 3 year old Hot or Not
So Today my new Barbie Dress arrived and I must say I was grinning almost as much as my 3 year old daughter was (Although I think she may have thought it was hers as i unwrapped it).
Is it really cool though or are we (I) conning are selves into thinking it is because we want a little piece of childhood back.
Are we secretly longing for our barbie and ken dolls back and somehow these toy themed fashion pieces fill a deep longing for our childhood play time. Ha ha
I don't know I don't think it is that ,Ive always been a girly girl. I adore Hello Kitty and most pink and sparkly things.
I don't however find myself playing with my girls dolls when im alone ( although Alisha's reborn doll, thats a different story lol).
I think the toy themed fashion is just a bit off fun and can be quite a cool look.
Wether it's My Little Pony jumpers or Barbie prints it's On trend if your daring or stupid enough to wear it.(you decide)
Im loving my new Barbie Dress and if it scores points with my kiddies then it's a bonus.
Well going to have a cuppa and then take my sleepy head to my comfy bed.
Nite nite xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How to do smoky eyes including full make-up tutorial
Im not fine and dandy. :( !!!!!!!!
No,as if having to use crutches for six weeks was'nt bad enough today my consultant decided it would be a great idea to take my stitches out of my foot and make me rock a pink plaster cast from the knee downwards!!!!!!
Seriously how traumatising, it was bad enough to stop wearing heels and sport the crutches.
But the final insult, the nail in the coffin is this pink monstrosity that is weighing down my already heavy enough frame!!!!
No i am far from impressed.
So im often asked about my eye makeup and make-up routine in general so i thought id show you how i do one of the looks i rock (rock not neccessarily in a cool way , rock as i fall over keeping my balance is probably about right)
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Stylish........not!!! |
For convenience il be honest i tend to use Johnsons baby wipes, and actually i ♥ them.
They are great at removing every trace of make-up and gentle enough to use on eyes and eye make-up too.
Next up is moisturiser which i don't tend to stick to the same one.
I like to swap round every now and then as i stop feeling the benefits if i use the same one for months on end.
My all time fave is "Clinique Moisture Surge" its just brilliant it really is like giving your skin a great big drink.
I also love the lancome range of moisturisers, my fave one used to be the vinefit one but i think it was discontinued.
Today im trying out the Garnier Moisture Match 24hr revitalising hydrating gel for Dull skin.
A passion for fashion
So not to worry i am on the motorway headed in the direction of Bradford and whilst i am there i intend to buy some new tweezers or i may even treat myself to getting them threaded if i can get an appointment.
I should have my first tutorial online by tonight anyways :).
Since i started this blog iv'e only written about beauty and cosmetics which is what the blog is predominatly intended to be about, but it is beautygeek FASHION chic, and i do love fashion.
I was actually doing a fashion course at college but had to defer it till september so i will be starting back in September and i can't wait.
I've always loved designing thing's, I could sit for hours with a sketch pad and a set of colouring pencils.
Infact i've always done it since being a kid.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Maybelline Colour show by colorama review .....shade 110 urban coral
It's funny because beauty/fashion does have a strange effect on me, and times in my life when im feeling down or depressed the first thing i do is go shopping for new make up, depending how bad i feel depends on how far il go, if we are talking major depression i don't reach for the Ben and Jerry's, i go for the hair dye,next up would be a fake tan followed by a set of eyelash extensions and a manicure.
Seriously i will go shopping for all this new stuff, come home and just sit for the rest of the day pampering and preening.
I wake up the next morning , shower away the fake tan residue, straighten my freshly dyed black /blonde(depending what phase im in)hair.
And you just know i feel so much better that day ready to face the world in my one woman army.
It's really like medication for me , it soothes my soul lol.Medication and therapy all in one.
Now if only i could get all of that on prescription now that would be a result.
Right let's get back on topic my latest purchase is The Maybelline colour show nail polish in urban coral and it was a total bargain from Asda at only £3.00!!!!!
Thursday, 1 August 2013
D.I.Y Tooth whitening procedure (Hollywood smile cheap price tag)
£300 Teeth whitening???? Or beautygeekfashionchic's do it yourself version for under £3.00.........!
The bicarbonate of soda and lemon tooth whitening treatment.
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Lemon, bicarbonate of soda and my before smile |
Now you can get it to a consistency that you like.
Actually like is not a word to be used here because believe me you need to hold your breath the second you begin because the taste is dreadful.
You get a toothbrush and dip it into the mixture(after you have give it a mix and got a nice paste)
Brush your teeth for as long as you can stand or about 3 minutes.
The taste is disgusting, like a really salty bleachy kind of yukiness eughh...... your tongue wants to escape from your mouth and you want to hunt me down and ram the remaining mixture down my throat, but before you hit the unfollow button, get a glass of water, rinse your mouth out and look in the mirror.
Hopefully you will notice a whiter set of teeth shining back at you.
The first treatment wont be a miracle but if you do it weekly you should notice a huge difference.
Don't do this treatment frequently (more than once a week) as the acid in the lemon will damage your enamel if done say on a daily basis.
If done weekly and you rinse with water (you will want to ,to rid your mouth of the taste lol) then no harm should be done.
Remember it is recommended to visit a dentist every six months anyway.
And voila there you have it, it may take a few weeks to achieve but its a lot kinder on your wallet leaving you with more money to spend on new shoes...bags..lipgloss....you get my drift lols.